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Strange Bedfellows and a Mixed Marriage
(not to mention a mixed metaphor)


WELCOME to the on-line, world wide web, version of the Science Fiction small press magazine RQC. Yes indeedy, welcomes to those of you who have followed the good old-fashioned paper zine and those of you who have just surfed your way here and are newcomers to the whole RQC experience.

So: strange bedfellows, mixed marriages. What the devil am I talking about? The small press and the internet, that's what. RQC is primarily a fiction magazine, but I am perfectly aware that fiction on the net has quite a poor reputation, the argument being that, because of the very nature of the internet, anyone with an account can get themselves "published". In other words there is often very little, if any, editorial control.

But surely this is true of the small press and of fanzines in general. Let's face it, anyone with access to a typewriter or wordprocessor and a Xerox machine can get themselves "published". It is up to the individual reader to try out different zines, experiment a little and suss out the scene for themselves. The same is true for netsurfers.

To date there have been six issues of the magazine RQC, and one cult-TV special edition. With this website my aim is to present a "Best Of..." package of stories, articles and artwork from the pages of back issues of the magazine. I will not be reproducing whole issues of the magazine in full. Please bare in mind that I can only reproduce here those stories and articles where the author's permission to do so has been granted. Also due to space available it's not possible to have everything that I would like to appear on-line at the same time. The contents of these pages can - and will - change from time to time.

Just a few more words before I finish. I personally would recommend printing out stories and articles rather than reading them from the computer screen, but obviously this depends on whatever you are comfortable with and what is convenient. If you do wish to read from the screen full screen viewing is recommended.

Please respect the author's copyright on the works presented within these pages. Print copies off for yourself to read at your leisure by all means, but no multiple copies, no mass-reproduction, no inclusion wholesale into fanzines and/or other publications, and no copying of material to other web-sites, PLEASE!

So, what's it all about, I hear you newcomers ask. Well, why not get stuck in and find out?


RQC editor Gavin Wilson (right) with friends Justin and Gillian at the pub, yesterday.

Gavin & friends

Don't forget to Email us!
Who knows, we might even start up an on-line letters page!

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